United's Youth Programs

Once again, the Jr. High Youth will spend their year in their own unique curriculum.  They will spend their year studying the life of Christ through the book of Luke and the film series “Jesus of Nazareth”.  We will separate fact from fiction as we study His life from conception through resurrection.  This is the first year of a two-year preparation program for those who are considering confirmation.  We are beginning a new two year-cycle this year (our last confirmation class will be confirmed in November.)

As part of their study they will also be required to attend “Sermonastics” one Sunday per month as announced by their teacher.  The class will attend worship as a group and, using a worksheet as a guide, they will develop a deeper understanding of the Minister’s message.

What is the enrollment for this program?

The Junior/Senior High class is open to all students entering grades 7 and 8 and 9 and 10 for the 2005-2006 school year.

What support/adult involvement is required of this program?

In the faith formation of teens, the Christian educator faces a great deal of skepticism and even apathy from his/her audience. This is the most challenging age level to deal with in Christian Education. Please help to guide these young people into a full life within the Church. Also please volunteer to assist teaching at this level for a month or even just a single Sunday.

Who teaches this program?

The youth class is taught by Megan Weymouth, Coordinator for Children's Ministries along with assorted volunteers from within the church family.